Women Singing & Drumming at Wildcat
Women, New Moon, Singing, Drumming, Fire, Sky: what else can I say?
Service Description
New Moon is the time to sing in your intentions. It is the time to beat the drum of your heart and your drum in the circle for Love, freedom and community. It is the time for women to come together and create a space communal space to experience grief and joy, laughter and tears, authenticity of relationship. Diane Littel and Kva Mary are cordially inviting you to a Women's New Moon Celebration and Ceremony. We will sing @ 6pm, led by Kva, for our longing and our joy, our healing and the healing of All Beings. We shall bless the Land, OurSelves, Each Other and Our Ancestors with our voices, entwining us in this sacred circle. We will drum @ about 7:30, led by Diane Littel, for our longing and our joy, our healing and the healing of All Beings. We shall bless the Land, OurSelves, Each Other and Our Ancestors with our drumming, entwining us in this sacred community circle. This is our ceremony. To stand, sit and lay on our Mother Earth together in safety. To use our voices in soulful expression. To beat our drums together and join for this day/night in peace and harmony. And we'll sing after that for sure! Dana/Gift Economy/ Love Offering There are some options for camping if you want to stay the night. State Park sticker required to drive in. Carpooling is a good option :-)

Contact Details
416 Willow Street, Viroqua, WI, USA