PTSD is a normal human response to trauma.
PTSD is not a "mental illness".
The energetic/emotional trauma imprints live in the body because the human was overwhelmed and therefore unable to process the event/events.
I was poisoned by doctors insisting I needed medication because they saw my PTSD as a "mental illness". For 2 decades I was caught in that system with side effects like my skin crawling...for 2 years...and much worse. As well as life long consequences. Do not give your power away. (If you did give your power away, forgive yourSelf. You were doing your best, just like the doctors)
I have kidney damage from being overdosed on lithium for many years. I remember begging the doctors to take me off and being told I was non-compliant and that I would need to be on psychiatric drugs for the rest of my life. (I am currently working with my amazing body to heal this. I have been off psychiatric meds since 2012.)
We heal with energy work, meditative journey work, connecting to your Mother the Earth, connecting to your heart and soul, conscious community, singing, dancing, Breathwork, MDMA therapy, holding each other as we sit with or express our pain and grief. We heal by holding ourSelves as the miracle we each are.
We heal by singing our song. By having fun. Letting your body unwind. Experiencing the exctacy of fullness. Witnessing. Listening. Laughing without restraint. Crying without restraint. Screaming without restraint. Letting go of any kind of restraint on your own precious humanity or Divinity! We are truly temples of a great and powerful Oz.
Consciously creating a new perceptual foundation grounded in the understanding that we are animals, here in this Web of Life on planet Earth. Embrace the journey of learning and leaning into love, kindness, personal responsibility, emotional maturity and the betterment of the whole. Bringing joy and balance, hope and mentoring toward a new way to co-exist. Bringing transparency and a new understanding of what has happened to the whole human race.
Holding each other and holding ourSelves with compassion and forgiveness. Letting our best be good enough and letting other's best be good enough because we are human. Learning to share our gifts in a way that is totally true to our own precious being.
We are humans being. Beings acting through human bodies, Souls learning to rest in human bodies, accepting our humanity. Remembering our Divinity.
Believe in your own voice. Sing as a bird, unrestrained! Song is the highest from of praise and gratitude. What do you think the birds are saying?