Usui Reiki Energy Healing Sessions, Usui Reiki Classes & Individual Instruction
Usui Reiki sessions offer Universal Life Force energy to others through gentle static light pressure touch balancing and freeing energy, extracting unwanted energy and even over long distances can be offered for healing/wholeness.
Reiki healing complements many medicinal therapies and traditional medicine and can be used to help assist in healing spiritual, physical, mental and emotional issues of self and others.
Infrared option during individual sessions.
Article on REIKI: Accessing the Human Energetic System
Reconnecting to the Web of Life - Practices, Processes & Intuitive Energy Healing Sessions on the Land.
(Sessions held at Stone Light Retreat, along the Mississippi, Wildcat Mountain State Park.)
Wandering Conversations
Earth Mandala Altars/Paintings/Mandalas
Sacred Fire for Release
Breathwork/Intuitive Sessions
Meditation for ReConnection
Reiki Song Sessions​​
Medicine Journeys
Reiki 3:
Master Level Training
March 1 & 2, 2025
This two-day certification course increases the amount of energy Reiki 2 practitioners can channel up to 100%.
You will be introduced to the Master level of Usui Tibetan Reiki. During this course, you will receive the Master level attunement, the Master symbol, psychic surgery techniques and practice, as well as other healing techniques.
Course Fee: $225.
Partial work/trade would be considered.
Fee includes training manual, Reiki Master Practitioner certificate, water and snacks provided. The maximum class size is 6.
Location: Viroqua
Time: 9:30 - 4:30 pm Saturday &
10:00am - 3:00pm Sunday
​​Level 3 Master Prerequisites:
Reiki Level 1 and Reiki Level 2 certification & certification copies if certified from a different Reiki Master who is no longer available.
(It is recommended in Usui Reiki that you stay with one teacher if possible)
Singing Together &
Song As Medicine
Singing is an ancient and powerful healing salve lost to much of our current culture. Humans have gathered together for thousands of years to sing for connection, encouragement, celebration, ceremony, releasing pain and healing . Historically, Medicine People and Mothers have healed the world with their sacred songs, their love songs for life. We can do the same.
Community Singing is not about singing on key, or reading music, or perfection in any form, but re-claiming and rejoicing in our human voice, using our voices to connect with Soul and Spirit and experiencing the powerful healing therein. Singing is every human’s birthright.
Kva shares the medicine of song, in private healing sessions, community song circles and healing circles, & women's nature camps. She also creates song gatherings large & small.
WisconSing is a large weekend gathering.
Kva also holds Song Sharing/Song Leading workshops and support for new community song groups.
Stress is a major contributing factor to many of the leading causes of death in the United States, including cancer, heart disease, and suicide. The World Health Organization (WHO) has called stress "the health epidemic of the 21st century".
Stress, Trauma, PTSD, CPTSD, and Energetic Healing
Fear, resistance, PTSD and CPTSD are normal human responses to overwhelming experience. The traumatized individual, be they an infant, child or adult, often experiences emotions such as shock, terror, helplessness, despair, and others. Trauma can be experienced in different degrees depending on the person's personality, age, coping skills, belief system and mindset in the moment. What one person might consider normal could be traumatic for another.
Intergenerational trauma is the imprint of un-metabolized trauma passed down through the generations in a family lineage. This can happen to anyone from any culture, around the world. (Intergenerational transmission of trauma effects: putative role of epigenetic mechanisms. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6127768/)
When someone in your family lineage has experienced trauma that they were unable to come to terms with or process, it stays with them throughout their life, and then passes down through the generations. As new understanding has developed, present generations appear to have the capacity to heal traumatic imprints stored in the body and its energy system. Healing is possible, not just for ourselves but backward and forward in time.
Energetic healing, Reiki, Meditative & Breathwork Journeys can get to and remove stuck energies in ways that talk therapy never can. Feelings stuck in your body don't want to be talked to, they want to be released. Energetic and Shamanic healing brings calm and unwinds the nervous system. One does not need to re-experience the trauma to heal. What our systems need is gentle loving attention and compassionate care.
From what I’ve personally experienced and seen through my practice, it seems that the severity of symptoms one carries from generations is determined in part by how much personal development, emotional healing and spiritual development your family lineage or yourself has done. The more healing one has done, the less the trauma is to be carried down… until eventually there is no more trauma to pass down to the next generations.
Everyone experiences various levels of the following identified patterns of intergenerational trauma and emotional inheritance. These energies are not who we are, but are a part of our personal picture in some way.
Manifestations of trauma:
Narcissism, Anxiety, Depression, Toxic Relationships, Struggling to move forward in life and business, Feeling angry inside for "no reason"' , Not feeling safe, Cancer, Behavioral problems, Harmful substance abuse, Too self-critical, Constantly critical of others, Hating oneself, Never felt loved or difficulty loving, Have never felt joy this lifetime, Caught in toxic patterns...​
How do we help ourselves heal? Would how we see ourselves change if we cleared energies from past events, or even past generations?

(Image by Healing Hype)
Kva works with trauma in many ways.
Reiki, guided medicine journeys, breathwork, singing, listening/witnessing sessions, all calm the nervous system and bring you into a deeper place of calm where healing is actually able to happen. The cells of our bodies are able to do deep healing when they are not putting fires out in the rest of the body/mind/heart.
Learning to relax your body amidst the stress of our current culture is difficult, especially for a person who has experienced trauma. For some of us it feels impossible, but it is possible. If we want our bodies to heal at a cellular level, to heal a wound at its core, we need to quiet and relax our bodies so that we can listen.
Shamanic healing calls in the powers of Spirit to assist and guide the healing session. We ask the Divine and your higher self to lead the way. Drum journey and soul retrieval can reunite us with parts of ourselves we may have lost do to trauma.
PTSD and Psychedelic Experience
Certain substances, such as MDMA, mushrooms and ketamine, can and are being used to help resistant PTSD recovery.
For instance, MDMA causes increased serotonin levels, which diminish the negative emotional state by enhancing self-confidence and reducing feelings of anxiety and depression. Hence, this helps PTSD patients to approach past experiences differently with ease. It can allow you to process deep-seated trauma by enabling the transformation of fear memories in a part of the brain called the amygdala in a manner that doesn’t make you withdraw or detach out of shame or fear, but instead helps you to accept and heal,” Jennifer Mitchell, Phd.
One needs to prepare before this kind of journey, follow therapeutic protocols, and invest in process work after. Therapeutic MDMA treatment is currently illegal in the US, and most likely will be until big pharma can figure out how to profit from it.
Healing Intergenerational Trauma Family Cradling Sessions
Guided meditation, Shamanic soul retrieval, Reiki distance healing and Intuitive energy healing techniques work together to reach into our own early experiences and beyond.
This technique brings opening, compassion, understanding, forgiveness, Self Love, healing
and awakening to yourself and your family lineage.
(Reiki Level 1 certification or experience working with your own energy recommended.)
"I am quite confident that even as the oceans boil, and the hurricanes beat violently against our once safe shores, and the air sweats with the heat of impending doom, and our fists protest the denial of climate justice, that there is a path to take that has nothing to do with victory or defeat: a place we do not yet know the coordinates to; a question we do not yet know how to ask. The point of the departed arrow is not merely to pierce the bullseye and carry the trophy: the point of the arrow is to sing the wind and remake the world in the brevity of flight.
There are things we must do, sayings we must say, thoughts we must think, that look nothing like the images of success that have so thoroughly possessed our visions of justice. May this new decade be remembered as the decade of the strange path, of the third way, of the broken binary, of the traversal disruption, the kairotic moment, the posthuman movement for emancipation, the gift of disorientation that opened up new places of power, and of slow limbs.
May this decade bring more than just solutions, more than just a future - may it bring words we don't know yet, and temporalities we have not yet inhabited. May we be slower than speed could calculate, and swifter than the pull of the gravity of words can incarcerate. And may we be visited so thoroughly, and met in wild places so overwhelmingly, that we are left undone. Ready for composting. Ready for the impossible. Welcome to the decade of the fugitive."
~Bayo Akomolafe
Kva Mary Wajer (Earthchild)
Life is difficult. Sometimes we need the gentle hand of another who has walked the path of healing.
I share what has helped me on my healing journey with resistant PTSD. Energy medicine opened me to a dimension of deep calm, healing and wholeness that I could not access because of the trauma personality I developed to stay alive.
Reiki opened me to my own energetic being and the flow of Life through and within me.
Shamanic work helped me to collect the pieces of my soul that fled during traumatic events and brought me into my true nature as a human animal in the Web of Life.
The medicine of song opened my throat chakra, I regained my voice and personal power.
Re-connecting to and falling in love with the Earth, within and without, has been transformational.
We need not walk alone. Healing and working with intergenerational trauma is complex and layered.
Creating a life inspired by our own wise heart, rather than the shoulds, guilt and shame put upon us is not easy, but it is possible.
Love is the most powerful healer of all. We will invite the power of Love in every step of any session as we journey together.